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Walk through Level 1


Apprentice Journal

10:00 AM
I have reached the tower. When Wilmag tells you "Once you enter the tower you must find the bean" I thought he was just repeating my quest objective. Now that I have entered the tower, I have noticed that the exit has disappeared. I realize now that the the only way I am going to get out of this place is to find that bean. I did notice some weapons strewn around and picked them up as I heard some scratching sounds. It sounds like rats can even find their way into magical towers. I hope they are not too big, as I hate rats.

10:05 AM
Damn the rats in this place are big. I found a magic scroll here with the minor healing spell. If Wilmag is correct, then I will forget this spell as soon as I leave this tower. The weird thing about this is that I actually had to walk through the scroll to grab it. All tower items are suppose to be like this, I suppose it has something to do with the magic of the bean. Wilmag said something like, "the great powers behind the bean simply didn't have time to better integrate the inventory system with the quest items but future engines wouldn't have that problem." Sometimes I just wonder what the heck he is talking about.

I found one of those talking fountains that Wilmag told me about. "To pass a color door use the orb that makes it white." What? Combining colors makes black, not white. Unless the bean is using light in which case the primary colors are red, green and blue. Obviously I am going to have to find some orbs.

What are Orcs doing here? Wilmag thinks the Orcs are indirectly responsible for Lord Bills sickness. Could they be after the bean as well? Just past this Orc is another tower scroll. This one has the fire spark spell on it. Too bad I didn't find the scroll before I found the Orc.

Another fountain. This one said, "With light Red, Green and Blue make White!" It would appear that my initial guess about the tower using light for the color doors is correct.

10:35 AM
I continue to explore this floor. This place seems to be bigger on the inside than on the outside just like Wilmag told me. Apparently certain English police boxes are bigger on the inside than the outside as well, but only if they are owned by a Doctor. Wilmag wouldn't tell me who this Doctor was, though. There seems to be a lot more creatures around. Good thing that I just found a shield spell. If I keep it active all the time, it will certainly help my chances of survival.

The fourth and final group of spells is now covered now that I have stumbled across the Energy Spark spell. Wilmag tells me that it is best to focus on only one combat type of spell so I should decide if I prefer fire or energy spells. Both are neat, so I will have to toss a coin to make my decision.

10:55 AM
I have found the color door. Not that great as I have yet to find any color orbs to use, so I will have to continue exploring.

Wilmag gave me some magic paper. This stuff is neat as it makes a picture of what you see. I spent so long looking for a way off this floor, that I think I will take a picture of this ladder that I just found. Granted, I would prefer to be moving up not down, but I recall Wilmag saying something about orbs in the cellar so I suspect this ladder will lead me to the orbs!



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