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Please note that I am lumping all the Coffee Quest games as one entry so voting for one is a vote for all episodes!

LocationBlazing Games - Coffee Quest Collection - CQ1

Coffee Quest 1

The first in our series of RPGs

Page Last Updated: May 16, 2006


Coffee Quest is our series of RPGs, which evolved from a simple maze game into a full-fledged RPG. This first game just has the 3D maze and quest item aspects of the game.


What a bad day! As if waking up in a maze wasn't bad enough, you don't have any coffee! This simply will not do! You remember seeing a power outlet somewhere, now if you can find the required items to make a cup of coffee, your day will be set!


What a bad day! As if waking up in a maze wasn't bad enough, this maze is made up of ice! Worse yet, you don't have any coffee! This simply will not do! You remember seeing a power outlet somewhere, now if you can find the required items to make a cup of coffee, your day will be set!

Under Ground

What a bad day! As if waking up in a maze wasn't bad enough, this maze is a vast series of underground caverns so large that only a true maze lover would venture into it! Worse yet, you don't have any coffee! This simply will not do! You remember seeing a power outlet somewhere, now if you can find the required items to make a cup of coffee, your day will be set!

Playing the Game

On the top left of the display is your view of the world. To the right of that is the map of the world. The map only shows you where you have been and has a large red dot indicating where you currently are. Below the map is a compass that indicates the current direction you are facing. On the bottom of the screen is your inventory bar. The black silhouettes represent items that you can acquire. They will become color pictures when you pick up that item. Keys will have a number underneath. The number indicates how many of that item you have.

The game can be played with both the mouse and the keyboard.

You pick up items by walking over them. Go to the power outlet with all the items in order to win the game.

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System Requirements

This game is requires Java 1.1 or better to run. Browsers that support 1.1 tend to be 4.x or better versions. Windows XP users may have to download a Java plug in to use Java applets.

There is also an OpenGL version of this game that is located here!

PLAY CQ1 Original Map (Download map)
PLAY CQ1 Ice Map (Download map)
PLAY CQ1 Underground Map (Download map)
PLAY CQ1 Construction Set Map

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Download the Open Source Version
Download the Construction Set

Read the File Format document
Read the GNU General Public License

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