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location Blazing Games - Mystic Stuff -Tarot



The Nine of Cups is all about wish fulfilment. This card is about wishes coming true. This wish fulfillment can be the result of luck, but hard work is probably a better way of achieving our wishes. When making wishes, however, one needs to be careful what one is wishing for. Often when we get what we wish for, we find out that there is darker side to our wish that the shiny surface hid.

This card is about being happy with your success. You should be sure to count your blessing. Remember, though, that just because you have success now doesn't mean you will always have it. Be careful not to over-indulge wasting the gains that you have made. There are always other people who want what you have so be sure that you don't coast along. With your wishes coming true, now is the time to work hard to keep them.

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