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Dice Combinations (14:00 to 16:30)

This section of work should have taken about an hour less than it did. I made a dumb mistake in array index references when trying to get the buttons to show up. The worst part of this type of bug is that it is glaringly obvious once you find it but when looking over the code my mind seemed to see the correct variable name when glancing over the mistake so I spent far too long looking at the code trying to find a very minor bug. Frustrating and headache inducing, so even though I took my lunch break just before writing this block of code, I am going to take my supper break right after I finish writing this page.

The dice selection process is more visual than what I did in the General and in hindsight I probably should have done the dice selection in General the way I am doing it in this game. Dice are placed in the middle of the mountain. Clicking on a die selects or deselects the die when forming the combination. The combination is simply the total of all three dice.

To actually place a flag, players are going to have to click on the button for the flag they want to select. The flags are procedurally placed the same way that the flags were. All the flags are initially hidden only becoming visible when the combination forms their number.

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