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LocationBlazing Games - Dozen Days - Dice - Drop Dead


Dozen Days of Dice: Drop Dead


Thirty Six
The game of Drop Dead.

Page Last Updated: June 6, 2008


This game was developed live on the Blazing Games site on February 23, 2008. Those of you who wish to read about the development of this game and see earlier builds of the game will enjoy the Articles section of this game. This game happened to be developed while I was under the weather and early in the morning something bad happened which totally destroyed my concentration so the game took much longer to finish than it should have but it was still finished in well under the maximum time of 16 hours. I am considering this a successful challenge.

System Requirements

This game requires the Flash Player 9 or greater plug in be installed in your browser.
You can get this plug in at Adobe's web site by clicking here

Revision History


This game was developed for Blazing Games Inc. by Billy D. Spelchan

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