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location Blazing Games - Mystic Stuff -Tarot



The Seven of Wands represents defiance. While sometimes being defiant is the equivalent to fighting a pointless battle, sometimes it is the principle of the matter. Defiance is often associated with youth as teenagers find their place in the world, but defiance is really about going against authority. While some people have the opinion, 'Things are fine just the way they are,' the attitude of the Seven of Wands is, 'The current system has flaws and those flaws need to be fixed.'

This card is about sticking to your guns. Sometimes, it is difficult to make a stand. You might agree with a cause but ask yourself, 'is this really worth fighting for?' If you are not defending yourself it is easy to ignore the problem. The problem with doing this is failing to correct wrongs gives the wrong-doer incentive to escalate their misdeeds.

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