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location Blazing Games - Mystic Stuff -Tarot



Often this card is interpreted as romantic love, though can be considered to be the union of two opposite entities. A good way of looking at this card is to consider the Japanese concept of yin and yang. Love is often considered to be something that is greater than its individual parts. It is about seeking wholeness and being drawn to another.

Let us not forget the potentially tragic aspect of love, the love triangle. If you are involved in such a situation, the presence of this card can signify that it is time to make a choice.

While love is certainly a wonderful experience, sometimes desire and lust disguise themselves as love. When love is not in the air and this card shows up, it may symbolize that you are lacking a vital part. It could also represent temptation. Remember that love can be thought of as two opposing forces joining together to form something complete so perhaps this card is suggesting that there is an opposing force in your life that you need to deal with.

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