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Scoring the Game

For those of you who have finished the game, but did not get the maximum 30 points, you may be wondering what you are doing wrong. Here is the scoring chart for the game.

The first five points of the game can only be earned before you kick over the potatoes. These are the taking an assessment of your situation points and are earned by looking at the various objects in the room. These objects are the door, light switch, table, porthole, and light bulb.

Kicking over the potato sack and kicking the potato at the light switch earns you another five points.

Now comes the part that stumps a lot of people who are trying for the maximum score. You need to cut the potato, not pick it up. If you pick up a potato to carry around, you will lose five points!

The rest of the 20 points are earned by getting out of the room. More specifically, 5 for cutting potato, 5 for turning off switch, 5 for getting filament, 5 for getting out of room.

This means that the minimum score you can get while still completing the game is 20 points, while the maximum you can hope to achieve is 30 points.

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