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Dozen Days of Words: Trivia Bomb


Making of Trivia Bomb

Time is development time not real-world time.

Sunday July 19, 2009
0:00 - 1:00 Skeleton

The seventh episode of Dozen Days of Words is a trivia game. It will be
presented as a typical television game show. Players will play through 4
rounds where they choose from a list of categories and have to answer a number
of questions before the timer (a bomb that has a buring fuse) runs out. Right
now I am just getting the skeleton ready so I can start working on this game an
hour or two in the upcoming evenings.

Wednesday July 22, 2009
1:00 - 4:00 Layout

While I normally hold of on graphics and animation until the end of a project
like this due to the fact that I don't want to waste time on something not
related to game-play until the game is fully playable, I am making an exception
today and focusing on a bit of the graphics as I want to have an early
screenshot for when I post the previous episode on Blazing Games. For that
reason I have created the bomb, the fuse, and laid out the main game screen.
The bomb was quite fun as I am creating the bomb, in all it's gradient glory,
entirely in code.

Friday July 31, 2009
4:00 - 6:30 Trivia Card

The card class handles three different views. The category view just shows the
name of the category. The question view has the question and possible answers,
finally, the explanation view has the explanation for the correct answer.

Saturday August 1, 2009
6:30 - 8:30 Game Flow

Clicking on cards now brings them up to near-full screen. Once an anwer is
selected, the explanation is shown and the card is reduced in size.

Sunday August 2, 2009
8:30 - 12:30 XML

We need actual questions instead of just test info on a card so to get questions
an XML file is needed. There are 24 questions though I wanted more and the
questions to be randomly selected, I just didn't have time as creating 24
questions took a vast amount of my time. I got the code to interpret the XML
implemented and now round one is playable but there is no time limit or
round-win determination yet.

12:30 - 14:00 Spark
A simple spark class. Game time tracked. Spark following the fuse.

Monday Aigist 3, 2009
14:00 - 15:30 Proper round support
Support for multiple rounds. Pause between rounds.Explosive losing.

15:30 - 18:30 Fine Tuning
Fixing mistakes. Cleaning up some stuff. Actually having the answers ranomized
so that it isn't always the first answer that is correct. A fancier title.
Scoring based on the amount of the fuse that is left. Proper About page.
Added explanations for some of the questions that had those missing.


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