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AI/Gold (19:00 to 21:00)

Shortly after implementing the AI in this final build I realized that I never incorporated the winning of the game in the last work block. Perhaps that is why I was able to finish it so quick, so that is being added to the list of things to do this session. The to-do list for this session includes the AI, fixing the done button, and adding text that indicates which player's turn it is. The hardest part is the AI and I decided to take the faster and easier brute force approach.

The computer simply rolls the dice and tries adding them all together. If there is an unclaimed flag with the total of the roll, that is the turn. If the combination is not a valid roll then the AI will go through the three combinations of two dice and see if any of them total to an unclaimed flag. If one of them does, then the computer's turn will be that combination and the single leftover die if it is also unclaimed. If there are no combinations of two dice that result in a flag, the last resort of the computer is to claim each die individually.

Winning is simply going through the 24 flags that belong to the player and checking to see if all of them have been claimed. If so, a larger flag positioned at the top of the mountain is set to that player's colors and the game is considered over.

With that implemented, there were a number of minor, but time consuming, things that I considered doing but I am getting old and twelve hours of work (10 hours if you don't count my breaks) is enough for me so I will call the game finished and relax for the rest of the day.

Play the final version

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