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LocationBlazing Games - Ultimate Retro Project - Volume 5 - Episode 60

Ultimate Retro Project
Episode 60: Modern Dungeon Romp


Modern Dungeon Standard Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp Standard Edition

The original version of the Dungeon. Many people found this version too easy, though for getting use to the game you will probably want to play through this version at least once. This is the version that is included in the open source version of the game.

Modern Dungeon Standard Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp 3DStandard Edition

The original version of the Dungeon in 3D.

Modern Dungeon Romp Deadly Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp Deadly Edition

Due to the fact that the first version (above) was fairly easy, a more difficult version of the game was created. While it is still possible to finish the game without dying, it is much more difficult to do so. This episode was dedicated by Billy D. Spelchan to Billy Spelchan Senior.

Modern Dungeon Romp Deadly Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp Deadly Edition 3D

The 3D version of the Deadly Edition.

Modern Dungeon Romp Christmas Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp Christmas Edition

A special christmas version of Dungeon Romp. The items and monsters in this version are different from the other two versions of this game.

Modern Dungeon Romp 3D Christmas Edition

Modern Dungeon Romp 3D Christmas Edition

The 3D version of the Christmas Edition.

The source code for this and other episodes of the Ultimate Retro Project are available at through the subversion repository.

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