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LocationBlazing Games - Ultimate Retro Project - Volume 4 - Episode 47

Ultimate Retro Project
Episode 47 Classic Minefield


Playing the Game

The hex map is accessed using a column row format, with the first hexagon in each row being considered to be column 1. Only the first letter of a command is needed for specifying the command. If coordinates are needed, leave a space after the command and then use a column,row format for specifying the coordinates. The commands are:

Behind the Game

The game uses a hexagon grid instead of your typical square grid. The reason for this decision was twofold. First, I wanted my minefield game to be different from other ones that I have seen and having a different type of grid certainly accomplishes that goal. The second reason was future planning. I knew that in the future I wanted to create some strategy games and a lot of the pen and paper strategy games use hex maps.

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