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Recipe for the Game

This is a fairly simple episode so a walkthrough is not really necessary but is being given for the sake of completeness.

The fiirst thing that is needed for making a chocolate bar, especially a segmented one, is a mold. When making homemade chocolates, there is no need to go with a boring shape like a rectangle, but for this game there is only one mold to select from. It is located in the drawer so it is a good idea to start the episode by opening the drawer and grabbing the mold. It will automatically be placed on the counter.

Before we can add a filling to the middle of the bar, we need some melted chocolate. The chocolate chips are located in the cupboard. There is also sugar in the cupboard so you might as well grab that at the same time. Poor chocolate chips into one of the two pots that are one the stove (either will do). Pick up melted chocolate and use it on the mold.

Now that we have the top of the chocolate bar ready, it is time to make the filling. While the game is not picky about how long you take, the real world is notas forgiving so it is a good idea to have all your ingredients ready to go before you start. Open the fridge get the butter and the milk.

Put the sugar into the remaining pot to start caramelizing. Add butter, and milk. Pick up caramel sauce and add to mold.

Finish making the CarmaChoc bar by covering the filling with a layer of chocolate.

I am not sure what the big secret is. Make upside down? Multiple steps? The big secret may just be that the company thinks people are stupid.

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