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A Conversation with Jack

This episode is a conversation based episode, but unlike the earlier conversation episodes, this episode has a reworked conversation system. The old system gave the player three choices with the amount of text explaining the choices being rather sparse. For this episode, not to mention future episodes and games, more than 3 choices were needed. More importantly, the choices needed to have longer descriptions to better cover what was being said. Finally, not all options were dialog options. The new system supports non-dialog options by having dialog choices in ovals and other choices in square boxes.

As with conversations in some of the previous episodes, this conversation can be dangerous. The fact that you are hanging upside down should probably been a giveaway to that fact. Death, however, is not instant. Instead it is caused by being hit too often. You can withstand three punches, and in order to compete the episode at least one of your responses will result in you being hit.

Here is a map of the conversation.
Conversation Map

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