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Following the Flow

This episode is similar to the puzzle in episode 11, though obviously the goal here is to get to the mainland. There is also no Blue Screen of Death as an obstacle. There is more than one way of solving this puzzle, though the solution provided below is the most optimal path through this puzzle. The next section explains how I designed the puzzle, which should explain why I feel that the path outlined below is the best way through.

As always, I encourage players to try and solve the puzzle on their own before resorting to looking a the map of the solution. This puzzle is a bit more challenging as after finding the flaw in the episode 11 puzzle I was determined to make sure that the solution was not as easy to find so that players would have to actually think their way through the puzzle.

When solving this type of puzzle myself, I will quite often work on the puzzle by starting at the end of the puzzle and developing a backwards path. This can quite often lead to a key part of the solution making the first part of the puzzle easier to figure out.

Solution for episode 22

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