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Through the cave darkly

While this episode starts of with an obvious enough goal, players will notice that there is a slight twist to this episode making it a bit more difficult than they initially expect. Before providing you with the full solution to this episode, this section will give you some helpful hints to guide you through the game without the need for a more detailed walk through.

The first thing that you should make note of is the torch. This is of vital importance, because as you move through the cave it will slowly be used up. When the torch is entirely used, the cave becomes dark. While it is possible to finish the game in the dark, this is only possible if you have already retrieved the ax and passed over the pit that leads to the ax, otherwise you will lose the game as soon as you cross over a pit.

If you are one of those perfect score types, you will want to take a look at a pit before you grab the item that is required to pass over the pits. That item is located in a room-like area really close to the entrance so you should have no problems finding it.

Exploration of the caverns is the primary goal of this level. A map is made automatically for you as you explore, but the map only lasts until the end of the game and is not carried over into future games so you will lose the map as soon as you lose the game. This is not that huge of a problem if you keep a rough idea of the layout of the map in your mind and simply don't bother with the areas you know are dead ends.

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