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Go with the Flow

This episode revolves around a single puzzle. This puzzle requires figuring out the correct path through the water so that you reach the island in the top left corner of the map. In the middle of the map is the dreaded blue screen of death. Obviously, you do not want to choose a path that will land you on that location. The neat thing about this puzzle, at least from my perspective, is that the solution to the puzzle is right in front of the player, yet because of all the activity going on, it is hard to see. The best way of solving this puzzle is to plan ahead as once you have made a move, there is no going backwards.

Due to the fact that this was my first attempt at designing this type of puzzle, I made a few design mistakes that make finding the solution easier. If you are trying to figure out the solution on your own, the following sentence will make the task significantly easier. Quite simply, the path to the end is broken into straight lines, so any route that has a bend in it is not part of the official solution. Likewise, all the stop points on the official path are in corners of the path so you will always be turning when you reach a decision point. That being said, if you are still having problems with the puzzle, the solution to it is in the map below.

Solution map

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