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Inventory 1.1

When developing the game, I had various objects in the game that had multiple states, and had to worry about using inventory items. For this reason, I used the inventory movie as a holder for state information and as a way to indicate to the player that they were about to perform an action.

The first thing that the inventory bar has to do is be able to hide itself when the inventory is empty. Later episodes would have a permanent bar on the bottom of the screen so didn't have this requirement. This is handled by the update inventory function which checks to see if there are inventory items. If not, the hide frame is called, which is simply a blankkey-frame.

If there are inventory items present, the inventory bar would be drawn with buttons for each of the possible items that can be added to the inventory. All four of the buttons are present, but the objects that the player is not currently holding are made invisible. When a button is clicked, a message is sent to the parent movie to let them know that an action is taking place and the inventory movie is advanced to the appropriate action frame.

The inventory movie action frames are simply a text message that let the player know that they are about to perform an action. These actions all involve inventory objects, though technically, the kicking a potato action is happening with an inventory object that the player doesn't technically have before the action takes place. These frames simply consist of a text message that is describing what is about to be done and a cancel button that allows the player to cancel the action if they did not mean to initiate the action.

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