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Strategy Guide

The game starts out with a dream sequence. This dream is actually similar to a dream I really did have way back in time when I was working part time at a computer store. I am sure most Windows users have seen the Blue Screen of Death (referred to as the BSoD from now on), but C and C++ programmers have probably experienced it a bit more frequently (especially when they are first learning how to use the windows API or Direct X). I am not saying that Windows is the only operating system that crashes, I’ve just noticed that it seems to do so much more frequently than my Macintosh or the exact same hardware when it is running Debian GNU/Linux.

The goal of this episode is simply to find your way out of the dream before the BSoD catches you. Avoiding the BSoD is actually very easy. All that needs to be done is to move to a different room before it fully appears. This is where the challenge of the game comes. You must move quick, while trying to figure out the way the rooms are linked together. The rooms, however, are not linked together in a logical way. While a doorway from a particular room will always lead to the same destination, the reverse is not always true. Here is a modified version of the map from the first volume to show you the layout of the rooms. The modifications are to make the map much more printer friendly The exits from a room are always in the color of the room.

Episode 1 map

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