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Title Bloody Title

The title sequence of the game is remarkably easy to create, yet is a really nice effect. The idea behind the title is that you have blood dripping to form the title. The title letters were simply formed by taking a bold text and converting the text into vectors by breaking the text apart twice. Once converted into vectors, stretching and distorting parts of the letter allowed me to form the text into it’s more bloodier rendition. I am sure a real artist could take this a bit further and really produce an incredible looking title.

The dripping effect requires an additional graphic element be created. This object, which I called the BloodBar, is simply a rectangular shape with the bottom being a bit wavy. The bar is a solid color because it will never be seen, though I suppose if you wanted to get fancy, you could have had different areas of the bar have different alpha values.

The bar and title image are tied together by having the bar be a mask over the letters. Only when the blood bar covers the letters will the letters be visible. The blood bar is moved and stretched over the title to create the motion tween for the title animation.

The buttons use the letters that form the title, with a few extra letters needing to be created. Likewise, the between level animation is all done using the same technique as the title.

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