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location Blazing Games - Blazing Action Collection - Ludum Dare #24

Missing Links

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The Theme for Ludum Dare #24 was Evolution.

Last Updated: August 26, 2012


When I think of evolution I think of creationists and searching for missing links. This game explores the big problem with missing links. This build is simply searching for missing links. Combat against poisonous spiders is also present to keep you on your toes.

The Ludum Dare rules say that source code has to be provided, so the link to the source code (with the raw version of the assets as well) is here.

System Requirements

This game requires the Flash Player 11 or greater plug in be installed in your browser.
You can get this plug in at the Adobe web site by clicking here.

Revision History

August 25, 2012 - First (pre-alpha) release

August 25, 2012 - Second (beta) release

August 26, 2012 - Ludum Dare #24 release


The Ludum Dare version is out so this is done but in the unlikely event that the game is popular there is always the possibility of me revisiting this game and creating an enhanced version.

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