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Level 6: Fake Steel

The title gives you the entire story to solving this level. All steel in this level is fake, so ones strategy should revolve around keeping in mind that the steel areas in the level are just a figment of my deranged imagination.

The first thing to do here is to get rid of those three slimes that are starting to head right for you. Run to the ladder on the left and quickly climb to the top. Cross over the chains until you are over the metal. Wait until the slimes are close to you and drop through the fake metal floor. You should have trapped two of the slimes in a couple of the brick cells. The other slime will probably fall down the middle of the level and will not bother you as you run through the four brick platforms gathering the holes (using the fake metal floors to descend).

To trap the final slime, simply drop off the bottom brick platform and climb up the ladder on your right until you have reached the top of the ladder. Wait until the slime is just about over the final gap and quickly climb down the ladder. The slime should drop into the final slot. Climb back up to the top and gather the last two portable holes.

The hard part of this level is next. How to get the energy crystal. Cross over to the platform where the energy crystal is. Drop down and to the left of the first metal block place four holes which should mean that all the way to the ladder is covered with portable holes. Drop into the holes and lay down another layer of four holes. Climb up and recover the top four holes. Next lay down two holes to the left of the fake steel. Drop down and using the fake steel tile lay down tow holes right below the two holes you dropped. Jump down and place a hole to the left of the energy crystal. Grab the energy crystal.

To get out of the spot you are in requires that you place a hole just under where the energy crystal use to be. One more hole to get out of this area, and run to the exit to your left.

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