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Bazing Games - Blazing Action Collection -String Along
Page Last Updated: April 1, 2006
This game requires the Flash Player 6 or better plugin be installed in your brower.
You can get this plugin at Macromedia's web site by clicking here.
String Along is a varient of a classic computer game where you move your ever growing string around a playfield in order to collect food (which makes it bigger). This game was developed as part of the Blazing Games Guide to Flash Game Development eBook.
String Along is a varient of the common tap-worm or snake games. Essentially the player controls a sphere and needs to collect energy. However, when the player collects energy, the player grows. If the player runs into an obstical or himself, the player loses a life.
The game will consist of a number of different playfields, which the player will loop through. The first loop through the playfields, the player will only have to collect 10 orbs per playfield. Each additional pass through the set increases the number of orbs required by 10.
Scoring for this game is where things will get intersting. I will allow the player to choose their speed from 1 of 5 choices (very slow, slow, normal, fast, very fast). The speed will be a factor in scoring.
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